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A blog that details all the benefits to having memorable magic at your event

Why have magic at your event ?

I recently was performing at a 25th wedding anniversary. It was a fun night, with many good reactions and a charming happy couple.

I got many comments throughout the night about the good idea of having a magician at the event and why they had yet to see it.

That is a good question and one I will look closely at here because many people indeed need to think about having a magician for milestone events or celebrations; here we are going to break down the event and the feedback that I got alongside why it's something you might want to consider the next time you are planning an event.

First, let's look at why people think something other than that a magician is the way to go when celebrating a milestone. It comes down to the fact that most people believe that when it comes to entertainment, the best thing they can do is hire a DJ, get some food together, and let people talk amongst themselves when they aren't dancing or eating.

mystified at smoke and mirrors

This works fine, but does it make your event memorable? The number one thing people were saying to me at the event was that it was a pleasant surprise that there was professional entertainment to look great at them and astound them from the moment they walked through the door; it made a difference in how they saw the big day and felt about it, from the moment they walked in, as well as help ease them into breaking the ice and feeling welcome.

There were also some children there, and they weren't so fussed about dancing, so having me there helped take some pressure off the parents, who were delighted I could sit and show their children some magic, making sure that everyone was looked after at your event makes a huge difference. The parents aren't just thankful towards me but to the clients who booked me after all; if not for them, I wouldn't have been there.

At the end of the celebrations, I went and performed privately for the happy couple and nearly brought one of them to tears with the piece of magic I shared with them. I shared a lot of the magic with them and only them; this was me tailoring a part of my act to them and giving them a moment they could remember and share in.

One last thing I want to leave you with is the review the couple wrote for me after the event, and they can let you know precisely what they had to say about working with me.


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Jaie Blunt